Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Why we should study English pronunciation?

 First impressions

Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that people notice when you are speaking English. Let us tell you a personal anecdote about this:

We once went to a conversation class taught by native speakers (Americans). Before the class started, the teacher said to us: "So, do you speak good English?". Tom replied "We think so", and the guy said "It sure sounds like you do". 
Notice that we just said three words, and the teacher could already tell if our English was good or bad. Why did the teacher think our English was good? Because of the difficult words we used? No. Because we used advanced grammar structures? No. It was our pronunciation.

When you meet a person, and you just say a sentence or two, do you think they will notice your poor vocabulary or bad grammar? Probably not. But they will notice if your pronunciation is good or bad. If your pronunciation is poor, they will immediately think about you as "the guy/girl who speaks bad English". Your pronunciation creates the first impression you make.

Good pronunciation should be one of the first things that you learn in English. You can live without advanced vocabulary — you can use simple words to say what you want to say. You can live without advanced grammar — you can use simple grammar structures instead. But there is no such thing as "simple pronunciation". If you don't have good pronunciation, you have... bad pronunciation.

And the results of bad pronunciation are tragic. Even if you use great vocabulary and grammar, people may simply not understand what you want to say.

For example, if you pronounce sleep like this, and not like that, or if you pronounce ghost like this instead of this, native speakers will have serious problems understanding you! In our opinion, you should know how to say English sounds like the ee in sleep or the o in ghost, before you even learn words like sleep and ghost.

Here is another anecdote about this. After coming back from a vacation in the USA, a friend of Tom's said:

"Whenever I spoke to a person in America, they kept asking me "What? What?". I would repeat my sentence again and again. Finally they would say "Ah-ha!" and then say my sentence, using exactly my words! It was very humiliating. I knew my words and grammar were good, but nobody would understand me, just because of my pronunciation. I am very motivated to learn English now."

Can you communicate in English?
Almost all English learners say "I don't need to study pronunciation. I just want to communicate in English." Many of them think that they can communicate in English because they can communicate with their teacher and other students.

Do not make this mistake! You have to remember that:

Your teacher has been listening to bad English for years. He or she can understand it much more easily than the average person.
Other students are usually from the same country as you. Therefore, they speak English like you and they make the same mistakes. So it is easy for them to understand you.
The only true test is: Go to America or Britain and try to talk to "normal people" — a clerk at a supermarket, a bus driver, etc. If they can understand you, then you can say that you can communicate in English.

Unfortunately, many learners ignore pronunciation. They can communicate in class, so they think that they are good enough. After a few years they go to England or the USA and... nobody understands what they are saying. Remember Tom's friend who went on vacation to America and couldn't communicate? He was the best student in his English class.

Michal wrote a short story about people living on two islands where English is spoken. The story is for those who say: "I don't need to learn pronunciation because I only want to communicate."

Communication is not enough
If you can communicate in English with people from other countries, congratulations! It's a big achievement. But it may not be enough.

If you are at Level 2 of pronunciation skill, your English is understandable, but you have a strong foreign accent which is unpleasant for other people.

We have already said that your pronunciation is important because it makes your first impression. This is certainly true — nobody will say that you speak good English if you have a strong foreign accent. But there is more. If you have a pleasant accent, people will simply enjoy talking to you. They will want to spend time with you. On the other hand, if your accent is bad, people may be even avoiding you (consciously or unconsciously).

The good news is that you can work on your pronunciation until you speak "understandable and pleasant English" (we simply call it good pronunciation). For example, you can learn the sounds of English, listen to recordings, watch English-language television, etc. But first you have to realize there is a problem! Most English learners don't.

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